Monday, August 30, 2010

SEO Changes - Do You?

SEO is a constantly challenging challenge. It's not something that you can "do" - it's something that needs to live and breathe. Here are a few things you should be up on right now:
  • Social Media SEO. Creating links and backlinks is even more important than ever. So is building good social media profiles and networks
  • On-page quality. Quality of the writing, load time, ease of use all contribute to your SEO.
  • Build a good local presence. The old adage of "think globally, act locally" comes to play here. It's easier to build a big local presence than a global one. The search engines will help you out by ranking you higher. 
  • Make sure you optimize for mobile devices. Duh. 
  • Videos. Put up videos on YouTube with your keywords and watch your optimization climb.
  • Integrate your blog into your site instead of letting it live somewhere else. This is especially true for small business.  
  • Keep at it. I cannot stress this enough. YOU HAVE TO KEEP WORKING AT IT. 
SEO changes all the time. So should your efforts at it.

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