Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How Many Hats?

How many hats do you wear?

If it's only one, you're waaaayyy out of sync with the rest of the business world these days. The fast pace of change in the marketplace, the ever-expanding ways to reach an audience, the downsizing of the recent past economy and the confusion on the part of management have all coalesced to form the perfect storm of hat proliferation.

Are you the project manager and the PPC person? Are you the go-to for social media and for SEO? Can you juggle your design work with app development? Stretched? We all are.


There are times when we all need some help. When we simply don't have time to learn a new application or polish up on the latest Google insights. It's okay to ask for help, even if it's with one of your hats. Every hat you take off lightens the load, even if it's only for a little while. And gives you the much-needed time to recharge. Occasionally, you must go hatless all together and re-boot.

And when you do need help, ask.

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