Thursday, September 15, 2011

Let's Get Social

You know those friends you have on Facebook that you don't ever interact with? The ones you kind of wish weren't there, but haven't gotten around to unfriending? The ones who send you annoying requests for pumpkins, goats or hugs?

Is your business one of those friends to your customers?

Social media. It's not just media, and certainly not just another venue for marketers. For an effort to be successful requires transparency, innovation and a more than a little bit of genius. That's why I truly believe that creativity has to be behind every successful social media effort.

No, not fakery - creativity. Finding ways to engage people in ways they will enjoy, and in ways that your business will enjoy increased awareness and preference. You can't just put up a Facebook page and expect that to do it for you. You have to connect people with each other and with your business. And you have to do it now.

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