Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tools, Tools, Tools

There are tons of good visibility tools out there these days, many of which can give your small business an overview of how they fare against some of their competitors. I like to use Website Grader and Alexa as a first look. Then I move on to my paid tools, like Sheer SEO, SEO PowerSuite and SERP Analytics. You can even just do searches in a whole bunch of different engines and see how you do there.

The problem is, how do you then analyze what you find out? It can take days to really delve into what makes you more or less visible online. It's all determined by a big mashup of all the things that engines take into account - links, content, images, age of domain, blog, twitter, etc. Sure, Google rewards good content and relevancy, but punishes "black hat" tactics - so what's the difference?

Visibility Optimization isn't rocket science, but it does takes some knowledge and analytical skills. You have to be up on the constantly-changing importance of different aspects. It's a lot of work, but it can be very rewarding.

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